mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

I am particularly fond of muffins

ALGERNON Jack, you are at the muffins again! I wish you wouldn't. There are only two left. [Takes them.] I told you I was particularly fond of muffins.
JACKBut I hate tea-cake.
ALGERNON Why on earth then do you allow tea-cake to be served up for your guests? What ideas you have of hospitality!
JACK Algernon! I have already told you to go. I don't want you here. Why don't you go!
ALGERNON I haven't quite finished my tea yet! and there is still one muffin left. [JACK groans, and sinks into a chair. ALGERNON still continues eating.]

1 commento:

  1. Impalpabili pensieri
    si mescolano alla farina,
    all'aroma di vaniglia
    di certe giornate felici..

    Impasto e sorrido:
    credevo di aver dimenticato

    e un pensiero
    infuoca le guance
    mentre porto alle labbra l'impasto ancora crudo.

    mia sorella mi guarda preoccupata:
    sono tornata a sfornare muffins.
